Mini Crochet Bouquet are the perfect little addition to brighten up any space! Each mini bouquet is meticulously handcrafted with soft, high-quality yarn in vibrant colors, making them a charming and lasting decorative piece. Measuring just 6 inches tall, our mini bouquets are small enough to fit on any desk, shelf, or even as a sweet gift for a loved one. Whether you're looking for a touch of whimsy to liven up your home or a unique present for a friend, our Mini Crochet Bouquets are sure to bring delight to anyone who sees them. Add a pop of color and a touch of handmade charm to your surroundings with these darling little flowers!
Mini Bouquet
- One bouquet includes 3 woolen flowers.
- Height of bouquet - 7 inch.
- Bouquet pakaging is included with this product.
- Material - wool yarn
- 100% handmade, each and every piece is knitted by hand.
- Great addition to home decor.
- Ideal gift for any ocassion.
- Long lasting.
Orders are generally dispatched within 2-3 days through the most reliable delivery partners in India. After dispatching the order takes 5-8 business days for domestic deliveries.
If you have an urgent order kindly reach out to us via instagram dm @p_palettes_